Tuesday, April 29, 2014

And the Spirit

And the Spirit
There, where the wild is calling,
There, where the wolf-pack howls,
There, where the moon is floating,
There, where the stars are bright,
There, I will go, for the dreaming,
There, I will wait for the dawn.

Out in the open spaces,
Out in the wilderness,
Where the grasses wave in the breezes,
Where the branches dance in the winds,
Out in the open spaces,
Out in the wilderness,
Where the sunrise lights the dewdrops,
Where the sunset floods the lake…

There I will go, where my heart is,
There I will chant to the sky.
There I will stand as the sun sets,
As the stars appear in the sky…
There I will go, where my heart is,
And there, in the wild, I will die.

The jackal will gnaw at my shoulder,
The bear will make off with my thigh,
The crows, they will pick at my eyeballs,
And the spirit will see and will smile.

There, in the cold of the winters,
There, in the mists of the dawns,
There, in the heat of the summers,
There, I will be when I’m gone.

2014  April 29th, Tue.
Brooklyn, New York

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