When I was young, l always yearned
For knowledge. Now I understand
That knowledge, needed though it is,
Needs wisdom as its guiding hand.
Around us, we can plainly see
That knowledge is a needed tool.
And yet, what use is knowledge when
It’s used in service to a fool?
And even if our bosses had
The knowledge that they often lack,
Without the needed wisdom, they
Can act in ways that set us back.
If wealth and power are the aims
Of those who buy the knowledge needed,
Then wars and famines are their games,
As those who’re dying go unheeded.
Our primal goals are always set
By instincts and by feelings, so
Our knowledge and our logic then
Can merely tell us how to go.
But where and why? Such questions need
Some wisdom and humility.
If hubris and expedience reign,
The harvest is futility.
There is a wisdom of the heart—
An organ that is in the mind—
That balances what’s in the head
And steers us towards being kind.
Is wisdom knowledge in
That could be so. It cannot be
Divided into parts, no more
Than that which tethers you to me.
There are more things, as Shakespeare wrote,
Than in our neat philosophies.
The mess that can’t be analyzed
Is life itself, not just disease.
Get rid of it, and life will end.
Analysis has a rightful place,
But when we love, we do not wait
To analyze the heart or face.
There is a balance that is sensed
Between our logic and our heart.
And that’s a thing that can’t be taught
As science. It’s a deeper art.
To err is being. Our ideal
Might be a thing that does not err.
But such a thing cannot create.
And that’s a theorem I infer.
2018 July 19th, Thu.
Brooklyn, New York