Saturday, March 8, 2025



We humans have abilities that awe
That when unhemmed by ethics and by law
Can lead to great calamities indeed. 
No magic can suffice, when few will heed

The voice of conscience and the pull of heart
As ears are deafened and we're pulled apart
By hatreds born of ignorance, instilled.
And so are prophesies, of hate, fulfilled.


So you and I and others have conversed
On how to end the wars with which we're cursed,
As more and more of science, art, and craft
Are used to wage what reason sees as daft—

What every heart and wakened conscience feels
Descends on people, trapped, and blindly steals 
From these, its victims, all, including life,
And so maintains the never-ending strife

That heaps, on generations, more of woe,
With senseless hatred turning friend to foe
As every act unjust and every blow
Begets its offspring, violent even more.  


So each of us has asked, in silence and
In speech, if anyone can understand
The sense behind this senselessness and show
A way by which to stop—or even slow—

The rush to our destruction: sober those
Whose hubris causes hearts and minds to close,
As blissful, willful ignorance parades
As truth—and blatant lies inform charades

Performed by rogues, as legislators cheer
The murderers of children, feel no fear
Of judgment, further seal their hearts
And practice, daily, more deceiving arts.


If I could wave a "magic wand", I would—
And make those evils disappear, that should.
So bombs would all reverse, and bullets too—
And then we might be smiling, me and you—

As every missile sent and every shell
Would turn—and so return! It would be hell
For every bully, armed with war machines,
As "magic" gave the rest of us vaccines

Against their bribes, their threats, and all the fear
And horror. So these wars would disappear—
Of mass destruction, misery, and death—
Replaced perhaps by even worse! Regret

Could then descend on well-intentioned me
As all my "magic" turned out, not to be
The thing I'd hoped for. Squeezing evil, I,
Would see its means to lengthen and defy

My efforts to contain it. So elastic
This scourge of ours could be, that only drastic
Measures might suffice to bring to end
This evil that afflicts us all, my friend!


And what could truly be more drastic than
To end our species, twinned as woman-man?

It might perhaps be time for diving deep
Within the wilds of psyche, through the sleep

In which we often spend our waking days,
With steps, as usual, on accustomed ways
Of habit born of training, so we see
What seers saw, informing you and me,

In wordless ways that cannot be expressed 
In verse or prose, of That which so impressed
The ones who saw that they awoke from sleep,
Enlightened—and connected with the Deep.


It’s only this, it seems, that could provide
The insight and connection that abide
And so inform the heart and mind to steer
Away from that which then is seen as clear. 

Is it “good and evil”? Simply, “right and wrong”?
Or was and is this cleavage, all along,
Misguided—clouded by a lack of sight
Of those connections needing pause—for light?

Our feelings, thoughts, and words and deeds, we see, 
Are ripples on the surface of a sea
That can be whipped by winds to stormy waves.
And yet, beneath, there’s peace—a strength that knaves

Cannot perturb. And some may call this “faith”
And others, “insight” or “connection”. Fate
Can put us each in peril and in stress, 
But only grace can change a “no” to “yes”,

Delivered from the heart—and not by force. 
So endless lies and wars may take their course
With cities laid to waste and no one spared.
The spirit lives—in those who saw—and cared. 

And this, dear friend, is all I have to say
To end the many words I’ve said today.
There is indeed a magic: it’s within;
It gives us strength to see—and not to sin.

2025 March 7, Fri.
Berkeley, California 

Thursday, February 27, 2025

To See Ourselves in Others

To See Ourselves in Others
We humans have abilities, remarkable indeed,
And some are quite admirable—of thinking, word, and deed—
And others, though amajing, may leave us quite perplexed
And even, when encountered first, so maddeningly vexed
That only introspection might, in course of time, allow
An insight into origins—including why and how
Behaviors, strange, and attitudes emerged and then prevailed
That still persist, in most of us, that might appear derailed—
Divorced from justice, empathy—and even reason, sense—
Controlling much of how we feel and think and act. The whence 
And wherefore of this human world cannot, indeed, be known
Until we see and understand the things that we disown
In selves and those we see as ours, ascribing these to others
We see as simply alien, although they’re born of mothers
And like us, have emotions, thoughts, experience pain and pleasure,
And yet are seen as different, by every human measure.
To see ourselves in others, and others in ourselves
Is often sadly lacking, amidst our clans of elves
With all our seeming magic and all our scheming ways, 
And all our sights and blindnesses that guide us through our days.
2025 February 27, Thu.
Berkeley, California 

Wednesday, February 19, 2025


I heard a distant wailing,
A moaning from afar.
I found an orphan crying,
Abandoned, in a war.

I found an orphan crying—
A little child, alone.
The sound was of a sobbing—
And then, at times, a moan.

I had heard a distant wailing,
A moaning from afar.
I had found an orphan crying, 
In the carnage of a war.


I went up to the orphan.
She looked at me in fright.
I bent to lift the orphan
As the daylight ebbed to night.

I lifted up that orphan.
I held her to my chest.
I saw her tears were shining
As the sunset lit the West.

I had found a little orphan
In the wreckage of a war.
I had found an orphan crying
In the madness of a war.


I looked for parents, siblings.
I found them, one by one.
A grandma lay there, dying.
Said, “Save the little one.”

I told her I would do that,
But did she understand?
She breathed her last and left us,
As I held her feeble hand.


How many little orphans?
How many children slain?
How many burned and crippled?
How many wracked with pain?

Whence—this cruel madness?
And why—these blinded hearts?
Go ask this, then, of “humans”,
As the light of life departs.

She once had loving parents—
But now was all alone.
Go ask them for the reason—
The ones whose hearts are stone.


I held that little orphan.
I held her to my chest.
I heard her growing quiet
As I walked towards the West.

I had found that little orphan,
Abandoned, in a war.
I saw a light was shining—
The brightening evening star.

I looked towards that planet
As it rose and shone above
The bodies, lying scattered,
That each was born of love.

2025 February 18, Tue.
Berkeley, California

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Ki ko'ra jae-কি করা যায়?

কি করা যায়?

এমন যুগ কি কখনো ছিলো—

আছে কি কোনো দেশ—

যখন, যেখানে শান্তির সাথে 

সুবাদ ছিলো, বেশ? 

তা জানি না, তা জানি না—

হয়তো কামনা—তবে 

এটুকু জানি, মানবজাতির 

এ পথে অপায় হবে। 

এখনো আকাশে সূর্য-তারা, 

এখনো নদীতে ঢেউ—

বাহিরে-অন্তরে জোয়ার-ভাটা। 

রেখেছে মনে কি কেউ?


গরিব হলে, এসে যায় না 

ধর্ম তোমার কি।

জুতো লাথি খেতে হবে, 

শুনতে হবে ‘ছিঃ!’ 

প্রতি যুগে একই দশা, 

প্রতি দেশেও তাই। 

মানুষ জাতির এই প্রণালী 

সর্বগত, ভাই। 

মানুষের যা গুণ বা ত্রুটি—

যেমন তোমার, আমার—

নেই কো যুগের, দলের শুধু। 

রয়েছে, সদা, সবার।


‘উঁচু’, ‘নিচু’, ‘আমার’, ‘তোমার’—

চলছে চারিদিকে। 

তাই সেদিনের লাল পতাকার 

রং হয়েছে ফিকে। 

কি করা যায়, এমন হালে, 

মাথা চুলকিয়ে ভাবি। 

এই কারাগার থেকে খালাস

 চেয়েও পাই না চাবি। 

বাকি সবাই যাই বা করুক, 

ফুটপাতে বা রথে, 

চলবো ধীরে, বিবেক মেনে, 

শান্ত আপন পথে।


নিজের কাজে, কথায়, লেখায় 

করবো, যত পারি। 

বন্ধু-স্বজন মানবে না, তাও 

করবো না গো আড়ি। 

বলবো খুলে বুকে যেটা 

আসে, যদিও জানি 

পাত্তা দেওয়ার লোকের অভাব।

বাস্তবতা মানি। 

সবাই জেগে উঠবে কবে, 

যোগ দেবে মূল কাজে—

তা জানি না। বাজাই বাঁশি, 

সুর যদিও বাজে।


স্থানের সাথে সুর মেলেনা, 

যুগের সাথে ছন্দ। 

কি করা যায়, তা জানি না। 

জেলের দুয়ার বন্ধ। 

সবাই মিলে গাইবে কবে 

নদীর, ক্ষেতের গান? 

আসবে ফিরে কখন দেহে 

জোয়ার-ভাটার টান? 

তা জানি না, তা জানি না। 

গাইছি নিজের সুরে। 

গাইবো জোরে, গাইবো মৃদু,

গানেই যাবো উড়ে।

মঙ্গলবার, ১৪ জানুয়ারি, ২০২৫ 

বার্ক্লি, কালিফোর্নিয়া 

Friday, January 3, 2025




কত কঠোর, নিষ্ঠুর, হিংস্র, হায়— 

এই মানব জাতি, 

যার কীর্তি দেখে কান্না আসে, 

বুক ভরে যায় ব্যথায়, 

মুখের বাণী বেরোয় না গো, 

দিন হয়ে যায় কালো!

তাও যে দয়া-মায়া, সাহস। 

খাটছে একই জাতি, 

করছে আদর, করছে পালন, 

দিচ্ছে জীবন, সেবায়। 

দুঃখ, পীড়ার মাঝেও আশা, 

ঘোর আঁধারেও আলো।

শুক্রবার, ৩ জানুয়ারি, ২০২৫ খ্রি.

বার্ক্লি, কালিফর্নিয়া 

Darkness and Light

How harsh, cruel, violent, alas— 
This human species, 
Whose deeds bring tears to the eyes!
The heart is filled with pain;
The words do not come out of the mouth;
The day becomes black.

And yet, what kindness, love, courage!
The same species is laboring, 
Cherishing, nurturing, 
Giving lives in service. 
Hope in the midst of sorrow and pain;
Light in the deepest darkness.

2025 Jan 3, Fri.
Berkeley, California
English version via Google Translate,
(very lightly edited for punctuation, etc.)