Wednesday, April 26, 2017
Who knows the truth?
Not I, forsooth!
I'll vouch for what I've witnessed, yet
In time I'll age and I'll forget.
I only might be sure of this—
That mortal life is far from bliss!
I cannot tell, although I care,
What happened when I wasn't there.
And though I've delved and though I've read,
I cannot question those who're dead!
And when I go, so goes my truth—
Unless it finds, in others, root.
But I could notice, while I die,
My truth, transforming to a lie!
We reach the pith—
And find it's myth.
2017 April 26th, Wed.
Brooklyn, New York
Quartz and Calcite
Quartz and Calcite
Quartz and Calcite waged a battle.
For Quartz declared, "I know I'm brittle.
But I can scratch you. There, I've done it!"
Calcite roared, "You'd better stop it!"
But easier started, harder stopped,
Their battle lasted, till they dropped.
And Quartz had only lost a shard
Or two, for Quartz's core was hard.
But Calcite, felled by strike and thrust,
Was shattered—scattered into dust.
And from that medley, rose the cry,
"From Quartz's mischief, now I die!"
2017 April 27th, Wed.
Brooklyn, New York
Monday, April 24, 2017
We age and then, in time, we die.
And yet, although we might despair,
We hold to truth, refute the lie,
And try to mend what needs repair.
We're humbled by the blows of time,
And all our hopes are dashed in turn.
And yet, we breathe, and persevere.
While life remains, our candles burn.
Who knows the truth, except the gods?
And surely they are blinded too.
We hold our fragments to the light,
For that is all we each can do.
2017 April 24th, Mon.
Brooklyn, New York
The history of humans, friend,
Is a greatly tangled web.
We know about it next to naught,
Although we might pretend.
The Vedas only came to be
A moment back in time.
So Abraham was born in Ur
And Egypt rose sublime.
A hundred thousand years have passed,
Since humans left that land
In which we branched away from apes,
Or so we understand.
The Abrahamic faiths insist
The gods are none but one,
And all of Earth was made for Man,
By him who made the sun.
Our Aryas worshiped dewas, while
Ahuras ruled in Fars.
And so, "divine" and "devil"—these
Are siblings joined in farce.
Segregation, apartheid,
The lasting sin of varnas—
These all have failed to separate
Arjuna's kind from Karna's.
There is no superior race or god,
Or way of earning wealth,
And each such thought has wrought its dread,
In open or in stealth.
Each thing we make, which promises
To make our burdens light,
Is turned, by those who need their slaves,
To rob us of our sight.
So agriculture was and now
The labors hard of science.
So all is turned to ashes, friend,
On which we put reliance.
2017 April 24th, Mon.
Brooklyn, New York
Saturday, April 22, 2017
Mayar Dha~dha-মায়ার ধাঁধা-The Maze of Delusion
The truth is that every empire, nation, community, family and individual is capable of great cruelty, as also of great kindness. This has been demonstrated over and over again, and we are seeing it being demonstrated now, all over the world. We still need to speak out and act against the cruelty and to recognize and support the kindness.
However, those who see and feel beyond a narrowing of vision and of heart are always vilified. Those who work for the common good and against scapegoating, demonizing and division are inevitably labeled as foreign agents, traitors, etc. Sadly, it is the same in every country, in every age.
There are four sections of verse below:
- মায়ার ধাঁধা
--in Bengali, in the traditional script; - Māẏāra Dhām̐dhā
--a Roman transcription, via; - Mayar Dha~dha
--a Roman transcription, using the scheme summarized at
and in item 3 at; - The Maze of Delusion
--a very free translation into English.
মায়ার ধাঁধা
আর্য় বলে, ‘ভজ তাদের,
যাদের চামড়া গোরা৷’
এ দেশী বলে, ‘বিদেশী, তুমি
সব মন্দের গোড়া৷’
ওগো মূর্খ, গোণো এবার
পুরোনো পাপের আয়৷
বিরাট পাপী, রাজা হয়ে,
রক্ত চুষে খায়৷
কত যে দুঃখ, কত যে কষ্ট,
মায়ার ধাঁধায় পড়ে!
নিজেকে মেরেছ, নিজেকে নষ্ট
করেছ যুগযুগ ধরে৷
ফিরে চাইলে, দেখবে সব ই
অকারণে করা৷
এত সৃষ্টির স্বত্ত্বেও, শুধু
বৃথা ভুগে ভুগে মরা৷
শনিবার, ২২ এপ্রিল, ২০১৭ খ্রি
ব্রুক্লিন, নিউয়র্ক
Māẏāra Dhām̐dhā
Ārẏa balē, 'Bhaja tādēra,
yādēra cāmaṛā gōrā'.
Ē dēśī balē, 'Bidēśī, tumi
saba mandēra gōṛā'.
Ōgō mūrkha, gōṇō ēbāra
purōnō pāpēra āẏa.
Birāṭa pāpī, rājā haẏē,
rakta cuṣē khāẏa.
Kata yē duḥkha, kata yē kaṣṭa,
māẏāra dhām̐dhāẏa paṛē!
Nijēkē mērēcha, nijēkē naṣṭa
karēcha yugayuga dharē.
Phirē cā'ilē, dēkhabē saba i
akāraṇē karā.
Ēta sr̥ṣṭira sbattbē'ō, śudhu
br̥thā bhugē bhugē marā.
Śanibāra, 22 Ēprila, 2017 Khri
Bruklina, Ni'uẏarka
Mayar Dha~dha
Arjo bo`le, “Bho`jo tader,
jader camr’a gora.”
E dexi bo`le, “Bidexi, tumi
xo`b monder gor’a.”
Ogo murkho, gon’o ebar
purono paper ae.
Birat’ papi, raja hoe,
ro`kto cuxe khae.
Ko`to je dukkho, jo`to je ko`xt’o,
mayar dha~dhae por’e!
Nijeke merecho, nijeke no`xt’o
korecho jugjug dhore.
Phire caile, dekhbe xo`b i
okaron’e ko`ra.
E`to srixt’ir xottheo, xudhu
britha bhuge bhuge mo`ra.
Xonibar, 22e Epril, 2017 Khri
Bruklin, Niu Io`rk
The Maze of Delusion
The Arya made us understand
the curse of darker skin.
The patriot “knows” the foreign hand
is planting more of sin.
Oh foolish folk, now sit and count
the wages of your acts.
The greatest sinner now can mount
the throne and tout his “facts”.
How much of woe, how much of pain,
from racing through the maze!
We’ve injured self and soul again,
while caught in maya’s daze.
On looking back, we see that all
was done for no good reason.
So deep, this hole in which we fall
yet deeper, every season!
2017, April 22nd, Sat.
(translated May 12th, Sat.)
Brooklyn, New York
Friday, April 21, 2017
The Pale Blue Dot
The Pale Blue Dot
What indeed is poetry?
I really wish I knew,
Although I spout again in verse
Which often seems to veer from terse.
And Riaz earlier was wise
In saying there's a difference--
For I can persevere in meters
Or echo rhymes, as poetry peters.
And as for science, what is it?
Our Trump would say, "A lot of s**t!"
Unless it adds in cash for him,
Who grabs at p******s at his whim.
And we might say, "What's wrong with money,
Or sipping on a bit of honey?"
But others then might counter, "Naught!
But yet there's more than can be bought."
What cash can come from Andromeda,
What pleasure from a comet's tail?
And yet we might be more bereft,
If Carl were mute before he left.
For though he spoke in measured prose,
It's poetry that Sagan wove.
As Saumen too has said, it's wonder
That gives, to poets’ words, their thunder.
2017 April 21, Fri.
Brooklyn, New York
Monday, April 17, 2017
The Winter Has Ended
The Winter Has Ended
We know that we're transient.
We come and we go.
But we sense there's a stillness
in the midst of the flow.
There's a light in the gemstone,
there's a star in the eye.
We'll remember that twinkle
till the day that we die.
The song that is ancient
is tinged with a sorrow,
and yet it is saying
"There is still a tomorrow."
The song that is recent
may bring joy to the heart.
And yet there's the whisper—
"Tomorrow we part."
How brief are the colors
and scents of the spring!
But the winter has ended
and our fancies take wing.
2017 April 17th, Mon.
Brooklyn, New York
At the Start of the Spring
This was written after seeing a picture of Matt and Julie Posner, standing together, by a cherry blossom tree at the Brooklyn Botanic Gardens.
At the Start of the Spring
When the schools were not open,
at the start of the spring,
we stood by the blossoms
and our fancies took wing.
How precious, these moments,
like blooms in their lives,
when the flowers have faded,
for husbands and wives.
So also for others,
who stood by the trees
or looked at the heavens
or gazed at the seas.
We arrive and we travel
and we exit in time.
And yet there are moments
that we treasure in rhyme.
For some, it is verses;
for others, it's prose.
Yet others remember
the scent of the rose.
There are feelings for which
we may find the right words
and others that shimmer
like the singing of birds.
And then there are things
that we sense, but that speech
cannot utter—the things
that our words cannot reach.
So we stand in the open
at the start of a season.
And a picture is taken
for which there's a reason.
And whether we knew it
or not, in a year
or in forty, we'll see it
with a smile and a tear.
2017 April 17th, Mon.
Brooklyn, New York
We murder the children, we maim and we burn.
We follow the ones who give orders and funds.
And yet we lift strangers who're wounded and risk
our lives for the children who have nowhere to turn.
How hard are we humans, how cruel and mad!
How senseless our slaughters, how ruthless our drives!
But still, in the mayhem, we heal and we nurture.
We tend to that labor, no matter how sad.
2017 April 17th, Mon.
Brooklyn, New York
Human Nature,
Sunday, April 16, 2017
How strange are men and women! We
have humors mixed within.
And so by day we're sainted, yet
at night we're mired in sin.
My father was a gentle man.
He never raised his hand
against us, yet at times his acts
were hard to understand.
My mother was admired, beloved,
except by those sans heart.
And yet she made us suffer, though
without design or art.
My sister had a star within
that shone in all she did.
And yet, within the dark, too soon,
she bravely went and hid.
How strange indeed I am myself.
I've never carried malice.
But still, I've caused my troubles by
refraining from the chalice.
And so it is with everyone
and so it is with all.
We climb up to the shining peaks,
and then, in turn, we fall.
So those that seemed so pure, we learn,
are hardly free from taints.
And those we saw as sinners have,
at times, exceeded saints.
From contradictions, though we seek,
we rarely find release.
But now my rhymes grow tiring and
it's time for me to cease.
Within the yin, the yang resides;
within the yang, the yin.
So also, love and hate are twined,
and grace is tied to sin.
2017 April 16th, Sun.
Brooklyn, New York
Saturday, April 15, 2017
There are nuts all around us.
They're nutty as hell.
But till they start spouting,
you really can't tell.
If you doubt what I'm saying,
then just stick around.
When I'm finished, you'll holler
and run for high ground.
There are nuts that are tinies,
there are nuts that are bigs.
There are nuts that are crazies
that like to wear wigs.
But then are are nuts
that are nutty like me.
And those are the ones
you don't want to see.
For while I am mouthing,
you'll be wanting to yell.
But I still won't be finished,
until you're in hell.
2017 April 15th, Fri.
Brooklyn, New York
Friday, April 14, 2017
Light and Shade
Light and Shade
What can I add, except to say
We greet the dawn that starts the day,
But then, when sunset comes, we sigh,
For night, and all it means, is nigh.
We sigh in pleasure as in pain.
We grimace and we laugh again.
So sorrow too is part of life.
If joy's the husband, she's the wife.
And now before you tire of this,
I should retire and wish you bliss.
We suffer pain and wish we'd die,
And moan and ask for reasons why.
What reason can we find, my friend?
We suffer till the very end.
So let's embrace the joy and sorrow.
We live today and die tomorrow.
Pleasure, pain, we live and find,
Like yang and yin, are intertwined.
From light and shade, we find our depth—
From joy and sorrow, life and death.
Such cruelties had long prevailed.
But one of those had brought us sight,
Or so we hope, who seek for light.
But then, behold how darkness spread,
And evil was, with cunning, wed.
And still their offspring brings us woe.
So who is friend and who is foe?
I wish I knew the answers, but
I am myself within a rut.
And so I now should go to sleep,
And hope it will be long and deep.
2017 April 14th, Thu, 3:08 am
Brooklyn, New York
Circle of Life,
Yin and Yang
Thursday, April 13, 2017
I Wrote Me a Song
I Wrote Me a Song
I wrote me a song in a minute or ten.
I don't know the why and I don't know the when.
It came to my mind and it came to my pen,
And I wrote out those verses for women and men.
I wrote me a song in a minute or two.
She asked me to write it—I don't know who.
I wrote it for her and I wrote it for you.
I wrote it because that's just what I do.
Was there a reason for writing that song?
Did I wish to set right what was clearly so wrong?
You can pick your own reason, and argue it strong.
But I hadn't a reason. I just wrote me a song.
2017 April 13th, Thu.
Brooklyn, New York
Tuesday, April 11, 2017
The Stories That We're Told
The Stories That We're Told
The stories that we're told omit
the most important things.
So we believe in devils and
in angels who have wings.
So Lucifer had fallen, since
he’d dared to irk the Lord
and Gabriel had smitten all
of Egypt with his sword.
But what is truth and what is myth,
in even things mundane,
depends on whether you're a Gaul,
a Roman or a Dane.
If Hindus were to follow what
Arjuna was advised,
whatever's left of principle
might then be compromised.
So also did Muhammad say
so many things, in turn,
that if we followed blindly, we
might all together burn.
But saying things like this will land
us quickly deep in trouble—
as also if we prick, by chance,
a nation's sainted bubble.
And most of all, if we attempt
to stand in Empire's way,
we'll each be told that we are mad
and then be hauled away.
2017 April 11th, Tue.
Brooklyn, New York
Tuesday, April 4, 2017
Murkho Manux-মূর্খ মানুষ-We Foolish Men
This post consists of the following, in descending vertical order:
- four lines in Bengali (মূর্খ মানুষ);
- a Roman transcription (Mūrkha Mānuṣa) from;
- a voice recording of the Bengali;*
- a Roman transcription (Murkho Manux) as described at Bharot Xadhin;
- an English translation (We Foolish Men).
* A reasonable, prosaic voicing can now also be heard by:
- copying and pasting the Bengali-script text into the left panel at the Google link given above (after selecting Bengali as the input language);
- and then clicking on the speaker icon below that left panel.
মূর্খ মানুষ
হায় ভগবান, হায় আল্লাহ,
হায় গৌতম, চৈতন্য!
মূর্খ মানুষ হয়েছে পাগল,
নিজেকে করেছে অন্য৷
মঙ্গলবার, ৪ঠা মার্চ, ২০১৭ খ্রি
ব্রুক্লিন, নিউয়র্ক
Mūrkha Mānuṣa
Hāẏa bhagabāna, hāẏa āllāha,
hāẏa gautama, caitan'ya!
Mūrkha mānuṣa haẏēchē pāgala,
nijēkē karēchē an'ya.
Maṅgalabāra, 4ṭhā Mārca, 2017 Khri
Bruklina, Ni'uẏarka
Please click on the rounded triangular play-button on
the right to hear a voice recording. In some browsers,
you may have to click a second time. This might not
work on cellphones. Adjust the volume on your device
as needed.
Record and upload voice >>
Murkho Manux
Hae bho'goban, hae alla,
Hae goutom, coitonno!
Murkho manux hoeche pagol,
Nijeke koreche onno.
Mongolbar, 4t’ha Marc, 2017 Khri
Bruklin, Niu Io`rk
We Foolish Men
Oh god, with all your many names,
Oh dear, departed brothers!
We foolish men have lost our minds,
And see ourselves as others.
2017 April 4th, Tue.
Brooklyn, New York
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