Saturday, October 5, 2024

No Verses

No Verses
So many verses written—scribbled, typed,
And posted, sent to others far away.
So many more that come at times to mind—
From where—and wherefore—who can truly say?
Adrift upon the stream, we near the sea
And hear, afar, the waves that crash and roar.
We sense the dark—the endless, waiting deep.
No verses there—or minds—for evermore.
The dawn that once brought hope now brings despair
As tens of thousands die—or wish they could—
As those who live are filled with grief and pain—
And most, who witness, now have understood
That evil often triumphs, laying waste
To all that’s good and precious: tenderness
And quietude—and love and due respect—
As Mammon grins and profits from duress. 
How many are the ones who've died in waves,
As lands were conquered or were laid to waste, 
As guns and bombs replaced the clubs and swords,
And Greed and Fear infected all with haste?
I hear the children laugh; I hear them weep.
I hear the dying, burned and blasted, moan.
I fear departure, leaving those I know
To fend for selves, with others, or alone.
But who among us chooses time or place
To enter or to exit from the stage
On which we walk and act and say our words—
And then depart—at ripe or tender age?
The dusk, descending, whispers now of night,
And I will venture out, beneath the stars,
To breathe and try to find a passing peace,
As all around delight in distant wars.
So many verses written—scribbled, typed,
And posted, sent to others far away.
So many more that come at times to mind—
From where—and wherefore—who can truly say?
Adrift upon the stream, we near the sea
And hear, afar, the waves that crash and roar.
We sense the dark—the endless, waiting deep.
No verses there—or minds—for evermore.
2024 October 3rd & 5th.
Berkeley, California

Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Mayar Cho'le-মায়ার ছলে+An Infant Cries in Palestine

মায়ার ছলে

ফিলিস্তিনে শিশু কাঁদে।
দূর সুদানেও তাই। 
কঙ্গোতেও কান্না ভাসে। 
ইয়েমেন দেশেও, ভাই। 

যতই কাঁদে, পায় না জবাব। 
চুপ হয়ে যায় শেষে।
ত্রাসের থেকে নেই যে রেহাই, 
দুর্ভাগা সব দেশে।

দেশে-দেশে, অনাহারে 
লোকে ভুগে মরে— 
নইলে কবর, নইলে শ্মশান, 
জ্যান্ত, বোমার ঝড়ে।


উপমহাদেশের ব্যোমে 
শোকের বাতাস বয়ে। 
পূর্ব থেকে কাঁদুনি এসে
পশ্চিম-নিবাসী হয়।


কার আদেশে হত্যা এতো? 
কোন কানুনে, শোক? 
জানলে পরে, জানিও আমায়— 
যেটাই জবাব হোক। 

‘আমি-তুমি, আমরা-তারা!’ 
বিবাদ, লড়াই চলে। 
অন্তরে যে সবাই এক-ই, 
ভোলায়, মায়ার ছলে। 

এই মায়া তো উৎস, ক্রোধের। 
দয়ার মায়া নয়। 
এর ফাঁদে লোক বিবেক হারায়।
নিষ্ঠুরতার জয়। 

সোমবার, ২রা সেপ্টেম্বর, 
বার্ক্লি, কালিফর্নিয়া 


An Infant Cries in Palestine

An infant cries in Palestine, 
Another in Sudan. 
The winds in Congo carry wails. 
In Yemen, it's the same. 

No answer to the crying, so 
It comes, at last, to end. 
No respite from the terror, pain—
In these forsaken lands 

Where people die from famines or
Are buried, burned, alive
As bombs descend like rain in storms
On those who’re terrified.


The winds of weeping waft across
Subcontinental skies,
As sorrows sough from East to West
And find their resonance.


By whose command, this violence? 
Which law dictates this grief? 
If you come to know, inform me, 
Whatever it may be. 

“You and me! Us and them!” 
Disputes and fights go on. 
That all of us are the same, within—
That truth has been forgotten.
This is a cause of our madness, while
Our kindness lies discarded. 
We lose our consciences in snares. 
Cruelty prevails. 

2024, September 2nd, Mon. 
(translated from Bengali, September 3rd) 
Berkeley, California

Saturday, August 24, 2024

Dukkher Bhar-দুঃখের ভার-The Weight of Woe-2024-08-17+24

দুঃখের ভার 
খাবারের মধ্যে কত রকম স্বাদ! 
তেতোটাও খেতে হয়, কিছু পরিমাণে—
বেশিতে বিষ, কমে স্বাস্থ্যকর।
বাকি স্বাদের খাদ্যের ক্ষেত্রেও তাই।
জীবনের নিমন্ত্রণে, কত কিছু পাতে পড়ে!
সুখ চেখে, দুঃখ গিলতে হয়। 
এতেও সুষমতা চাই, তবে কারোর
ক্লেশের ভারে পেয়ালা ভেঙ্গে যায়।
শনিবার, ১৭ আগস্ট, ২০২৪ খ্রিস্টাব্দ
বার্ক্লি, কালিফোর্নিয়া
The Weight of Woe
Within the foods we eat, how many tastes!
The bitters must be taken too, in turns--
Excesses poison, traces good for health.
The same is true for foods of other tastes.
How many fares can fall upon our plates!
We taste our bits of pleasure, swallow pains.
A balance would be good. For some, alas--
The weight of woe can break and shatter plates.
Sat, 17th August, 2024
(translated Sat, 24th Aug)
Berkeley, California

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Leftist Creed

 Leftist Creed

When empires, big and small, compete,
And slaughters, with injustices, repeat,
Then should we side with one or the other, or
Unite to work against the Left’s defeat—

The death, impending, of resistance to
The power and wealth that’s leading me and you 
To slaughter one another, while they both
Grow dense—and profit from our labors too? 

There still is true-and-false and right-and-wrong. 
Our histories of lies and deaths are long.
So why not learn from these and organize
Against the endless wars and all that’s wrong?

So let us seek the truth and do what’s right—
Not yield to impulse or to clouded sight,
Avoid the frictions based on chance of birth—
And so know when to greet and when to fight.

To see, within both friend and foe, the I,
That sits within oneself—that insight—why, 
It's there in children, found in other beasts,
And yet is lost to many a heart and eye.

2024 August 18th, Sun.
Berkeley, California

Thursday, August 15, 2024

To'khon ar e'khon-তখন আর এখন

তখন আর এখন
ডাল-পাতা সব দুলছে ধীরে, 
মৃদু বাতাস বয়। 
নীল আকাশে মেঘ দেখি না, 
গ্রীষ্মকালের জয়। 
দূরের দেশে রয়েছি আমি, 
আধা-শতাব্দী ধ’রে। 
তাও যে আজও দেশের আকাশ
মনে ভাসে, ওরে! 
ঋতুর সাথে বেশের বদল, 
ভোরের, সাঁঝের রং,
কালবৈশাখীর ঝোড়ো হাওয়া, 
মায়ের শ্রীয়ের ঢং—
পর্বত-সমান মেঘের চূড়ায়, 
চোখ-ধাঁধানো ফাঁক। 
নীল-সাদা সেই গগন-ক্ষেতে 
চীলের চড়তি পাক। 
ছাতে চড়ে ঘুড়ি ওড়াই,
প্রতিদিকে আলো। 
গ্রীষ্মকালের কড়া রোদে
পুড়ে হলাম কালো।
বর্ষাকালে, মেঘের সেনা,
বাজের ভীষণ ডাক। 
যুদ্ধের শেষে, হাজিরা জানায় 
ঝড়ে-ভেজা কাক। 
আজ রয়েছি, সেসব ছেড়ে, 
বিকেল বেলার রোদে, দোয়া:
শান্তি আসুক ফিরে।
বৃহস্পতিবার, ১৫ অগাস্ট, ২০২৪ খ্রি.
বার্ক্লি, কালিফোর্নিয়া


Saturday, August 10, 2024



How many months of rapes and lynching mobs?
How many lame excuses, twiddling thumbs?
How many years of bombs and genocides?
How many peoples more dismissed, erased?

Our species, which has come to reign on earth,
Dispenses death in cruel, wanton ways.
We loot the lands and waters, foul them both, 
Pollute the air and act like cancers do, 

Forgetting we are part of a greater whole,
As beings, caught in frenzies, often do—
Destroying all, and so at end themselves.
The wounds and scars are visible from space.


The forests—they are felled or turned to ash;
The hills are leveled, seeking coal and ores;
And everywhere, the fields and forests yield
To roads that spread the ever-growing blight.

How precious is a life—and yet we take
The lives of others, even of our kind,
As if their worth were nothing, slaughtering
The ones perceived as foes or “lower beasts”.

How often little children recognize
The sanctity of life, have empathy
For other beings, yet, as adults, seem
To lose this sense—or choose to shut their eyes.


In each tradition, there is talk of peace
And even greetings that repeat its name.
And yet, in thoughts and words and deeds, we move
So swiftly towards our wars—and feel no shame.

Will humans ever, in our lifetimes, turn
Away from madness, veer from evil deeds?
We each are trapped, and yet we still can strive 
Towards sanity—and sow, not evil’s seeds

But those of reason, those of peace and love—
Return to quieter ways, desist from all
Compulsions, pause, give room for thought 
And space for silence—past my spouted words. 

2024 August 9, Friday
Berkeley, California 

Monday, August 5, 2024



The rhythms of the skies and seas,
The cycles of our lives,
The beats within the lines I write,
The pulse of breath and blood…

As women feel, in their fertile years,
Their monthly rises, ebbs,
So we each can sense the beating heart,
The in and out of breath…


The days and nights—they alternate.
The moon—it waxes, wanes.
The seasons come and go and then
They come and go again.

We're carried by the tides that surge 
Around us and within.
So life proceeds, with birth and youth—
And then with age and death.

But these—the seasons of our lives—
They never will return
Within a generation, yet
Will rise and ebb in turn

For others, just as they have done
For generations past.
So let us breathe and be in peace 
Until we breathe our last.


But where we see there’s sorrow, should
We choose to look away—
Or strive instead, with every breath,
To ease the weight of pain?
For how can we remain at peace
As others suffer, die—
And truth itself has been dispatched
Or hidden by the lie?
The tides of justice turn in time
But not without our aid.
However small we are, we still
Can help to turn the tide.
Together, we can try to turn
Towards sanity and peace,
So justice, long denied, is served,
And manmade sorrows ease.
2024 Aug 3rd, Sat.
Berkeley, California