Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Yin and Yang-2024 July

Yin and Yang (2024 July)
The predator attacks the prey,
The parasite, the host—
And sea and land and air in turn
Convulse and take their tolls.
We humans feast on plants and beasts
And torture both of these.
The facts of life on Planet Earth
Were not designed to please.
And yet, there still is happiness
And pleasure mixed with pain,
And moments, both, of utter grief
And purest joy and bliss.
So smiles and laughter alternate
With worries, frowns and tears;
So hunger stokes the appetite,
As distance strengthens bonds.
So sorrows deepen shallow minds, 
And pleasures lull awareness. 
Yet age may not let wisdom in,
And tyrants live the longest.
We turn from things unpleasant, so
This lets those fester more.
There’s good and bad in all of us.
Cartoons precede the gore.
And yet there still are thoughtful men
And women in the world,
And children try to comfort those
That they perceive as hurt.
And parents labor hard to feed
And rear their little broods,
And some who're aged or ailing still
Are cared for in their turns. 
The greens of trees appear serene;
The blues of skies delight.
The yellow blooms that dance in winds
Can turn our moods to bright.
And see, amidst the massacres
And cruelties and woes,
The light of caring still persists
As courage fights its foes.
The yang within the yin—and deep
Within the yin, the yang.
So good and evil intertwine,
As light and darkness do.
We can choose to turn to darkness
And to speed the spread of hate—
Or turn towards the light, before 
That turning comes too late.
2024 July 17th, Wed.
Berkeley, California

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