Monday, July 15, 2024

Peace and War

Peace and War
The silence and the summer sun
On California’s coast,
The rustling of the leaves of trees,
The distant, passing train,
The letting go of everything 
Of which I once could boast,
The touching by the cooling breeze,
The easing of the strain,
The blue of sky, the green of leaves,
The warmth of sun on skin,
The calling of the bird I hear, 
The sway of grasses tall—
These all combine and so provide,
Within this world of sin,
A music of the eye and ear
That brings relief to all.
And yet, the all-devouring greed
Will rarely pause to taste
Of all of this that beings need,
While laying more to waste. 
So wealth will flow, accumulate,
And bombs will fall and burst,
As burnings rise, along with hate,
And children die of thirst.
I call to those who've closed their blinds
To open windows wide
And look, with open minds and hearts,
Across the harsh divide—
To see that children, everywhere,
And women, are the same—
That sentients feel of grief and pain,
As humans should of shame.
2024 July 15th, Mon.
Berkeley, California

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