Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Biden’s Bombs-War and Money

Biden’s Bombs / War and Money
Biden’s bombs, Biden’s bombs—
Two thousand pounds apiece—
They blow the kids to smithereens, 
And serve to keep the peace.
If Trump returns, he’ll send more bombs 
To Israel and say,
“We’ll send them to the Saudis too, 
If they agree to pay.”
And hearing all the folk who shout
That this is genocide 
And fearing that in politics
This might be suicide,
Biden, Blinken both declare,
“We need to end the strife.”
But keep on sending bombs and planes
To end what's left of life.
War and money, war and money—
Whatever be the weather—
You’ll find that each provides for each. 
They always go together.
We've made our zones of peace, within
Their circles wide or small,
Where business booms. Outside the zones,
We find the free-for-all.
And that is where our bombs are dropped—
And conflicts are inflamed,
As money drives the wheels of war, 
And “terrorists” are blamed.
Wealth and power, wealth and power,
Unabated greed:
Death and dread and suffering—
These are what they feed.
Religion and democracy—
It’s not about that stuff.
It’s all about the land, the oil…
We’ll never have enough.
So don’t believe the evening news;
It’s sadly filled with lies.
When eyes and minds and hearts are blind,
Then truth, with justice, dies.
“Why should we care for Palestine
And people far away?
But Israel is different!”
Is what the people say.
But Biden's bombs are ours too. 
Our taxes pay for those.
The Congo, Yemen, South Sudan?
They aren't far. They're close.
2024 May 22nd, Wed.
Berkeley, California

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